Wednesday, September 16, 2009

...Now You Know (coda)

Yes we did! The Truckers won the championship Sunday night 11-6. We were up 8-2 going into the third when the team kind of relaxed and gave up some cheap goals. We finally had our full line up and are quite deadly with all the pieces in place. For the goalie report:

- Movement: Very good. I got my skates cut by a real pro and it made a huge difference. All of my pushes were strong and it kept me in position all night.

- Rebound Control: Mixed. For the most part I did not let up too many dangerous rebounds, but their 2nd goal could be interpreted as a rebound. I in fact played very strong in the crease and stopped many 2nd and third chance opportunities (demonstrating at least some level of control).

- Puck Handling: Poor. Another gaffe. Fortunately it didn't cost me. When will it end?

- Endurance: Strong. Again I felt like I could play forever and did not feel fatigued despite several extended plays.


- Goal 1: Low post blocker-side. It was a bang-bang-bang play from behind the net. Went to a guy in the slot and he buried it before I could extend over.
- Goal 2: Unfortunate bounce off a grounder towards my shin blocker-side that ramped up over my stick, blocker, elbow and shoulder. Shrug (pun).
- Goal 3-6: None of these really stand out. There were several breakdowns by my team that lead to ridiculous scoring opportunities. As stated earlier, the game was over by this point.

- Save: Extended right toe save on a slapshot while body was going slightly left.
- Save: Left shoulder shrug off of a wrist shot from the low slot. Tracked rebound to left leg and made 2 additional tough saves.
- Save: Sprawling reverse blocker save swatted to the left followed by a left toe save. Not really sure how I did this?

They offered me the game puck, but I declined as it was a team effort throughout the season. I even got some very positive comments about my play from the other team at the after party (they apparently frequent the same bar as our team). I feel very good about the season (obviously) and look forward to what lies ahead for us. I'm also re-evaluating some of my training to hopefully produce even better results in the future. "You asked yourself if all the pain and sacrifice is worth it..."(D.C. al Coda)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I apologize for not keeping this as updated as I would have wished. I'm without a home internet connection and I don't want to be one of those persons who update their blog at work (like I'm doing now, [facepalm]). The truth is I've had trouble getting ice time recently so there ain't much to report anyway. My hockey schedule is untimely scattered right now and there are no stick times outside of working hours at the moment. Groin continues to slowly get better and has made more noticeable strides in that direction over the last few days.

Championship game is this Sunday and I'm hoping to get some ice time on Saturday so I don't go into the game being on the ice only once in the last 11 days. Off ice training is going well, but I was feeling a little tight and weak today so I had to cut out some exercises in my lunch hour workout. Meh, get me on the ice already.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Round 2

Finally got my first Ice playoff win on Tuesday @ Ice Castle. It was a very tightly contested game and we won 6-4. I was, unfortunately, kind of nervous going into the game as my last three Ice playoff games ended in disaster. I played very well though and stopped 6 or 7 breakaways/partial breakaways. Here is a breakdown of the game:

Movement: Solid up and down movement all game. Good positioning and swift transitions. Felt very comfortable.

Rebound control: Mixed. Did give up a fair number of rebounds, but kept them close to me and was able to smother most of them. Others I kicked out to the boards effectively. There were a few that were dangerous, but I was fortunate not to have been stung by any of them.

Puckhandling: Made one gaffe, but again fortunately did not have to pay for it.

Endurance: No problems at all. Felt strong all game.

Now a breakdown of the goals/saves.

Goal 1: One-timer from a player all alone less than 4 feet out from the goal. 5-hole. Could have possibly gone into butterfly sooner, but it was a very quick play.
Goal 2: Re-direct scramble in front of goal. 5-hole (kind of?). Puck was clearly frozen between my skates in a narrow butterfly, but no whistle was blown and the attacking player was allowed to slash at my skates to free the puck and put it in the net.
Goal 3: Partial breakaway. Over blocker. Attacker chipped puck over defenders stick, got around him, then chipped it again and it barely went over my blocker and inside the post. Just a great play by the attacker.
Goal 4: Total breakdown. I totally lost sight of the puck and thought it was coming towards the boards. Somehow it went back to the player who skated around 3 players and basically put it in an empty net since my attention was elsewhere. I'll take 100% blame for that one.

Big Saves:

There were a few. The most crucial one was on a breakaway with the score tied 4-4 in the 3rd period. The attacker was coming in VERY slow. He was able to finally get me to go to my left a little and then he deked back right. I was able to stop myself just enough to get my right toe out and rob him. There were a couple others, but I'd rather focus more on analyzing the goals scored.

So in conclusion it felt very very good to get the win. Championship game is two Sundays from now. I hope to have another solid performance and let my team take care of the rest.