Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It appears as though that session of yoga on Monday has cleared up the strain in my groin. I took to the ice last night and made it through the game just fine with no ill effects felt this morning. Very good news for me. My performance on the other hand....

Well, 2 and a half weeks off the ice and I was bound to be a little shaky. Unfortunately I was very shaky as my skating, timing, and pretty much everything was off. Missed a couple of easier saves and got lit up for the most part. It is really of no matter though as I'm just happy to be able to play without any pain. I'll go to stick time this weekend and hopefully get back to where I was and be ready for the playoffs.

Last night saw a lot of fundamental breakdowns: stick off the ice, committing too early, loose butterfly, reacting instead of blocking and other things I had hoped to have grown out of by now. You forget how much you need to remember sometimes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well, I ended up being a little banged up from the game on Sunday. Surprising because it was a rather easy outing, but it just showed that my groin will take some time to heal. It was *very* tight when I woke up yesterday. The kind where it hurts to get out of bed. Felt it mostly in my hip, lower abdominal muscles.

Decided to get a little more pro-active with it and went back to my yoga class for the first time in a year last night. It felt very good get my stretch on once again. I am definitely going to have to incorporate this full time if I want to stay healthy. My groin feels a thousand times better today than it did yesterday.

Tonight is the last regular season ice game for my one team. I think my recovery is going to depend more on doing things like stretching/yoga/pilates/rehab than it is on resting it. I know that sounds not so wise, but I took 2 months off last year when this happened and felt it the first time I went back on the ice. Seems like it is something that I just need to work through rather than work around. Yeah, I seem to be able to pretty much rationalize anything I want to myself, shrug.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Okay, going to give it a go tonight in a dek hockey game. I'm wearing two pairs of core shorts, and feel pretty stable. Training has gone well all week. Did some agility work this morning with some uphill karaokes and uphill bounding. Would not say the groin is anywhere close to being healed, but it feels manageable. More than anything, I would just like to test it out and see where I'm at. Since dek hockey does not put anything near the strain on my groin that ice does, it will be a good chance to evaluate how I'll probably feel if I take to the ice on tuesday. Also, I just want to play hockey!!!

update (following morning):

Game went very well. Didn't feel any discomfort at all except for maybe some slight tightness when I stopped a one-timer from the crease (probably would have felt that irregardless). Played very well after one of my shakiest starts ever. I mishandled a the ball for the 2nd time early in the game and put it in my own net. Definitely a candidate for a blooper reel. Didn't let it phase me though. I stopped every shot I faced including a real nice glove save on a partial breakaway. Had some butterflys in my stomach this game which I haven't had in a long time. I was just so pumped to be playing I guess.

Groin tightened up some afterwards. Stretched some before bed and it feels about the same as it did when I got up yesterday. Playing again this afternoon so I'll know more at that time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Turning a Corner

Groin feels pretty good today. Not 100%, but some noticeable progress. Been doing my walking and that has gone well too. Pushed it on Sunday and added some karaokes up a hill at the park. That was a mistake as it seemed like I tweaked the groin a little. Today though, it feels almost unnoticeable. Even added some leg pressing back into my workout. Felt a little tight, but it went really well overall. Not sure yet if I want to play on Tuesday, or wait the following week to play in the playoffs. If it stays like this for the rest of the week I'll strongly consider the game on Tuesday, but the more logical me thinks I should hold out for yet another week after that. Can't let this be another long-term nagging injury.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Groin Blog

Day 5 of my mandatory 2 week rest period. Groin is doing better. I can still feel it when I get up certain ways, but I'm happy to report that I don't get that over-wound guitar string feeling in my pelvis when I cough/sneeze. It will take time and I am in a patient mood for some reason. I have been stretching it consistently and am going to do a session immediately after I publish this post.

Started doing some power walking (go ahead and lol) to keep me more active. I really like walking in the park. Pity that I can't seem to make time for it with hockey perpetually in season. I'm staying in tonight, mostly because I'm exhausted, but party because I'm looking forward to waking up early and doing 5 miles or so of the trails.

I definitely miss hockry. Wish I was playing RIGHT NOW! Really want to come back strong though and take us through the playoffs and into the championship game. We're undefeated right now and it would be a big disappointment to not win it. I know I have to be stronger than last years effort and I'm certain that I am.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Season Finale

First season at Mt. Lebo is over. Overall I'm pleased with my performance. More goals than I would have liked to have given up, but learned a great deal and got a lot of ice time out of it. Next season starts in September.

Last game with my team didn't go so great. I played in the game before and was very solid. Probably would have had a shutout if the team had more than 7 players and bothered to play defense (yeah, I call you out!). Stayed solid for the first 2 periods in the 2nd game, but melted down in the last period. Was pretty tired out at this time and our team was well out of the game. Not going to really dwell on it.

What I'll dwell on, but default, is another groin injury {sigh}. Happened on Saturday, but I thought I stretched it out well enough to be okay. I was not. It hurt immediately in warmups and stayed that way for most of the game. It seemed okay by the 3rd, but this often happens as my body is so loosened up by then that I don't notice it. Felt it in the 2nd game as well. Then I woke up this morning and it was very tight and very deep even while still lying in my bed. Did some stuff at the gym for it. I wouldn't call it a *major* injury, but it has the potential to linger around for a while. Since I've been through this before, I know how to deal with it and hopefully my recovery is timely.

So, I'll take at least a week off from hockey. During that time I'll do a lot of stretching and rehab exercises and we'll see where it goes from there. Optimistic.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back to the Drawing Board

Subbed at Mt. Lebo last night. It was a playoff match up between the worst teams in each division. Neither team had a win all season and were both prone to giving up high goal totals. Exactly the kind of game I wanted to play in. Unfortunately I did not play well and the team I was on lost 9-7.

I usually look for the positives in these kind of games as one is very likely to get hung out to dry and see a lot of breakaways and odd-man rushes. I ended up letting in 2 or 3 bad goals and don't feel very well about my performance. Overly aggressive positioning (didn't we just talk about that?), a couple of technical breakdowns (inexcusable at this point), and a sniper on their team who seriously scored 7 of their goals. Among other things, I just felt kind of slow physically and mentally all game. Surprisingly though, I did make three highlight reel saves including one that looked a lot like this, (my version went off the inside of my blocker and was trickling towards the glove-side post when I swatted it away while turning clockwise).

After getting dressed and on my way out, a young lad asked me if I was on the Coyotes? Huh? He said they heard someone from the Coyotes organization was in the building tonight and that they figured it must have been me. "LOL, what game were you watching, son?" Apparently this guy was working out on the studio rink, but they thought it was me while they were watching the game. I told him that they were mistaken and then he followed up to say that I was a "really really good goalie". Thanks, kid.

So aside from getting confused for a professional goalie, it was overall a poor effort by me. That's alright though, I play the games to have fun and learn something about my game that needs to be improved upon. There were plenty to take from this game. One is flexibility. Again, I mildly strained my groin on one play. My stretching on the ice is getting better and I've been much more discipline about taking the extra 2 or 3 minutes after each game to stretch on the ice. Need to keep up with my program at home though if I'm gonnna get anywhere close to a full leg split which I hope will help serve as an injury deterent.

2 more games tonight. One is the playoff game for my Mt. Lebo team. Time to shine.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Just some more background on my game:

Style: Aggressive Blocking/Butterfly
Strengths: Tracking, Down Movement (Slides, Vertical/Horizontal), Blocker, Flexibility, Recovery
Weaknesses: Skating, Up Movement, Puck Handling, Positioning (too aggressive)
Neutral: Glove, Reaction, Mental

Goalie Coach: Sean Moloney (Went to his camp. Lessons to commence soon).
Favorite Goalie: Carey Price.
Other Notables: Henrik Lundqvist, Marc-Andre Fleury, Nikolas Backstrom, Mike Smith, Jonas Hiller.

Ice (#1 Main priority) = Ice Castle, Neville Island, Mt. Lebo.
Dek = Penn Hills.
Roller = Neville Island (on skates), Bridgeville (on feet).

Equipment (ICE):
Pads = Simmons Ultra Light 5 (34+2)
Glove = Simmons Ultra Light 5
Blocker = Simmons Ultra Light 5
Helmet = Hackva 2608
Chest/Arms = Simmons 994 (L)
Skates = Rbk 9K
Pants = TPS R6 (XL)
Neck/Clavicle = Maltese Combo
Stick = TPS Response (27" Hasek Curve)
Jock = Simmons Matrix 3
Compression Shorts (won't play without them) = Core Shorts by Coretection
Ankle Brace (won't play without them) = Flexibrace

In The Beginning.....

Well, it's far from the beginning, but I have to start somewhere. I started playing Ice Hockey at the beginning of last year. Have gotten increasingly serious about it and now play on 4-5 teams between Ice, Dek & Roller. I play the position of goaltender which I feel is the ultimate expression of athleticism. Never before have so many of my physical (strength, speed, balance, flexibility, coordination, anaerobic/aerobic stamina) and mental (focus, reaction time, task switching, tracking) attributes been pushed this far simultaneously. Perhaps I should just list my background and goals and take it from there.

Age: 29.3
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 179 lbs

(HRrest): 48 bpm
Squat max: 400 lbs
Hang clean max: 275 lbs

Current Training:
- MON/WED/FRI = Strength Training (Squat/Overhead Press/Dips/Hang Clean/Deadlift/Pull Ups/Grip/Etc.)
- Tue/Wed/SATorSun = Core/Agility Training (Abs/Obliques/Stability/Balance/Reaction/Juggling)
- Everyday = Cognitive Training (Games/Puzzles/Language(Spanish)) designed to promote brain plasticity. Stretching (Static/Dynamic/PNF).

Current Injuries:
- Osteochondritis of left ankle (will eventually require surgery) - Severely limits my off-ice impact training (plyometrics/sprinting/etc.)
- Quadricept Tendinitis of right quad - Overdid it on hang cleans and now I'm paying the price. Would probably clear up if I rested it, but I won't.

- Play in the local A-league within 2 years. I played a season in B-league and held my own for the most part. In the Fall, my next season of B-league will commence and I am interested to see how (if?) I have progressed.
- Enjoy every second I have on the Ice. It was a dream of mine to play as a lad, but I could never even consider playing due to financial considerations. Now that I am a professional = NO RULES. I also am most certainly aware of how fortunate I am to have the ability to play and do not take it for granted one bit. I play as often as I do because it is within my limitations to do so. I understand this will not always be the case in the future.

- I love Hockey!!!!!!!!!!