Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well, I ended up being a little banged up from the game on Sunday. Surprising because it was a rather easy outing, but it just showed that my groin will take some time to heal. It was *very* tight when I woke up yesterday. The kind where it hurts to get out of bed. Felt it mostly in my hip, lower abdominal muscles.

Decided to get a little more pro-active with it and went back to my yoga class for the first time in a year last night. It felt very good get my stretch on once again. I am definitely going to have to incorporate this full time if I want to stay healthy. My groin feels a thousand times better today than it did yesterday.

Tonight is the last regular season ice game for my one team. I think my recovery is going to depend more on doing things like stretching/yoga/pilates/rehab than it is on resting it. I know that sounds not so wise, but I took 2 months off last year when this happened and felt it the first time I went back on the ice. Seems like it is something that I just need to work through rather than work around. Yeah, I seem to be able to pretty much rationalize anything I want to myself, shrug.

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