Saturday, August 8, 2009

In The Beginning.....

Well, it's far from the beginning, but I have to start somewhere. I started playing Ice Hockey at the beginning of last year. Have gotten increasingly serious about it and now play on 4-5 teams between Ice, Dek & Roller. I play the position of goaltender which I feel is the ultimate expression of athleticism. Never before have so many of my physical (strength, speed, balance, flexibility, coordination, anaerobic/aerobic stamina) and mental (focus, reaction time, task switching, tracking) attributes been pushed this far simultaneously. Perhaps I should just list my background and goals and take it from there.

Age: 29.3
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 179 lbs

(HRrest): 48 bpm
Squat max: 400 lbs
Hang clean max: 275 lbs

Current Training:
- MON/WED/FRI = Strength Training (Squat/Overhead Press/Dips/Hang Clean/Deadlift/Pull Ups/Grip/Etc.)
- Tue/Wed/SATorSun = Core/Agility Training (Abs/Obliques/Stability/Balance/Reaction/Juggling)
- Everyday = Cognitive Training (Games/Puzzles/Language(Spanish)) designed to promote brain plasticity. Stretching (Static/Dynamic/PNF).

Current Injuries:
- Osteochondritis of left ankle (will eventually require surgery) - Severely limits my off-ice impact training (plyometrics/sprinting/etc.)
- Quadricept Tendinitis of right quad - Overdid it on hang cleans and now I'm paying the price. Would probably clear up if I rested it, but I won't.

- Play in the local A-league within 2 years. I played a season in B-league and held my own for the most part. In the Fall, my next season of B-league will commence and I am interested to see how (if?) I have progressed.
- Enjoy every second I have on the Ice. It was a dream of mine to play as a lad, but I could never even consider playing due to financial considerations. Now that I am a professional = NO RULES. I also am most certainly aware of how fortunate I am to have the ability to play and do not take it for granted one bit. I play as often as I do because it is within my limitations to do so. I understand this will not always be the case in the future.

- I love Hockey!!!!!!!!!!

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